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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

It's been awhile since I've been here and I must say that I have genuinely missed this little space to collect some thoughts and happenings each week.  It has been a busy few months here as we prep for our big move to Austin, TX, which is now quickly upon us.  The big push to get things out of the apartment happens this weekend so our apartment looks like this:

Our lease technically doesn't end until July 12th, but because we will be out at my family's farm for a long weekend next week and up in Connecticut for our dear friends' wedding the weekend after (HA! craziest summer ever) it's officially go-time.

Both Greg and I have lived in the DC area since graduating from college so this rapidly approaching change definitely involves a mix of emotions.  We are both thrilled about the idea of exploring a new place and making new friends and I am really looking forward to beginning my studies at the end of August.  However, we also have so many wonderful friends (and family) here and we are very, very sad to leave them behind.  Luckily it seems that Austin is a city a lot of people have a travel crush on, both because of the climate and the music scene, so we are counting on having frequent visitors to our new home to help ease that feeling.

I promise to report back soon with tales from our travels and our halfway-across-the-country move.   I am so excited to share about our adventures as we take on a new city starting in July!

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