Mindy Kaling on Chick Flicks

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Over the holidays I read Mindy Kaling's book "Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? (and other concerns)" and I could not recommend it more.  I have always loved her on "The Office" and now  "The Mindy Project," but my girl crush has reached new heights after reading this book.

Perhaps my favorite part comes from the chapter entitled "Types of Women in Romantic Comedies Who Are Not Real."  I love romantic comedies and my sister and I fancy ourselves quite the experts on the genre,  however I have never seen their appeal explained quite so well as in the following passage:

I enjoy watching people fall in love on-screen so much that I can suspend my disbelief for the contrived situations that only happen in the heightened world of romantic comedies.  I have come to enjoy the moment when the normal lead guy, say, slips and falls right on top of the hideously expensive wedding cake.  I actually feel robbed when the female lead's dress doesn't get torn open at a baseball game while the JumboTron is on her.  I simply regard romantic comedies as a subgenre of sci-fi, in which the world created therein has different rules than my regular human world. There is no difference between Ripley from Alien and any Katherine Heigl character.  They're all participating in the same level of made-up awesomeness, and I enjoy every second of it.

That pretty much nails it right?  Definitely keeping that explanation in my back pocket.  That is just one brilliant tidbit and I heartily encourage you to read the whole book.  It is the perfect breezy read for a vacation or to brighten up any commute!


  1. I've been wondering if I should read this. Have you seen her new show?

  2. Love her show! Now I want to read this book!

  3. I love her new show and definitely recommend reading this book the next time you are looking for something light and fun!


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