New character in the kitchen

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

So I have this thing for chickens/roosters in the kitchen.  A silly round ceramic chicken captured my heart years ago at World Market and currently sits atop our fridge after two years presiding over the open shelving of my old studio apartment.  Yesterday, this handsome fellow arrived and has taken up residence above our kitchen sink:

Rooster by Ryan Berkley
Perhaps this love springs from summers spent out at my grandmother's farm or the country influences in my mother's kitchen or some combination of the two. In any case, this print was love at first sight and brings me joy as I wash dishes and bop around the kitchen.  This entire series of prints by Ryan Berkely is so whimsical and fun that it is hard to choose just one.  I particularly enjoy the otter, the polar bear, the cheetah and the great white shark.  As if they weren't enough on their own, each print comes with their own back story.  Here is the one for the dapper gentleman pictured above:  "Have you ever met a rhyming rooster? This gentleman prides himself on his morning crow couplets and he'd be glad to demonstrate if you ask him. Tell your friends." Whether or not portraits of animals in their Sunday Best are your thing, I recommend checking out Ryan Berkeley's work as well as the work of other independent artists on Buy Olympia.  There are many great pieces like this one that are perfect for turning a house into a home.


  1. I think Kauri will need the polar bear!

  2. That is exactly what I was thinking! The description of that character might actually be my favorite: "Meet Willard the Polar Bear! This rosy fellow is the Chairman of the Board for a successful popsicle corporation. His ingenuity in the frozen novelty field is unsurpassed and he's currently working on a flavor that is so secret, he has to carry the recipe in a briefcase handcuffed to his arm."


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