Sandy - one day later

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

By some small miracle, we made it through the night without losing power.  Our parents (in Northern VA and CT) were unfortunately not so lucky in that regard, but everyone is safe this morning, thank goodness.  My thoughts are with all those further up the coast and in NYC that woke up this morning to unbelievable devastation. It must be incredibly surreal.

suddenly brave little cat
The storm was definitely powerful here, and some nearby neighborhoods did lose power.  The only problem we encountered was that our bedroom window (which broke during the July windstorm but had been repaired) was not properly sealed and water was leaking in.  Luckily we had a working dryer, so we were cycling towels between the window sill and the dryer at two-hour intervals throughout the night.  Around 1:30 am, Leo finally emerged from under the guest room bed (where he had been hiding since 10 am) to inspect our set up.  He was rather suspicious, so I can't say I'm sure it met with his approval.

Sending good wishes up north and to everyone continuing to deal with the effects of Sandy.


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