Funnier than usual

Thursday, November 29, 2012

I don't remember the exact exchange (and it was most definitely inappropriate) but the scene in our apartment circa 1:00 a.m. this morning had the two of us laughing on the couch, taking a break from work.

"My we are punchy," I noted.

"Yes, we are funnier than usual," responded Greg, and his turn of phrase made me laugh all over again.

Archival footage from my old apartment - and again, not exactly sure why we were laughing
So that is where we are at this point in the week - in the throes of my applications and his final project for a class - sleep deprived and funnier than usual. Very glad to have this guy around this week and every week.



  1. You two are wonderful! I'm so happy you were able to make it to my party this weekend!!

    1. Thank you pal! We had such a blast with you this was a great break from all the crazy work we've had going on.


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