Tuesday, November 6, 2012

As I have noted before, I am quite the political nerd so take a breath and brace yourselves for a quick post about the beauty of democracy and the importance of today. . .

We got up very early this morning, coffee in hand, to head across the street to the neighborhood elementary school to cast our ballots.  Voting is such a simple act and yet such an empowering one, particularly every four years in big elections like this. With all the money in politics and all the talking heads it is easy to lose sight sometimes of how amazingly equal we are on this day - no matter where you live, how much money you earn, what race or ethnicity you are or how many years of school have under your belt - each person gets one vote.

Turnout is looking good so far in Arlington, VA!
Certainly you can argue that certain votes "count" more than others in the electoral college system and I definitely understand this having voted in Connecticut and the District of Columbia up until now, but this simple fact of one vote is still pretty amazing in my book.  It is a privilege that many people unfortunately take for granted even as people around the world die every day striving for the chance to get it.  Which is why, though I certainly have strong political leanings, I implore absolutely every person over the age of 18, Democrat, Republican, Independent, Libertarian, Green, or other, to get out and vote today.  I truly mean that. Let your voice be heard and be an active part of the ongoing dialogue in this country!

Very satisfied little voter
We are heading into Dupont this evening to watch the returns at a bar with friends and hopefully celebrate some good news.  However, as corny as it sounds, whether or not your preferred candidate comes out on top, it is important to remember that our country wins no matter what as it celebrates a fair, peaceful election in which as many voices are heard as possible.  It is a very special thing.

On another note, today is also the 30th wedding anniversary of the two people who made me the enthusiastic little politico that am I - my parents.  More on that tomorrow, but I will end this little love letter to democracy with the fact that I love you both so much and thank you for the wonderful example you have set in my life, both in this regard and countless others.


  1. As we say in Chicago, "Vote early and vote often!"

  2. Well put my little Larkin! I have to say that I'm a bit more jazzed about 30 years together with my bride, Patti Holmes (Ballard)

    1. Thank you Dad :) I hope you guys have a wonderful day with some good news to end it! Love you.


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